Dentist Caulfield

Find the Best Dentist in Caulfield

Dental health is correlated with your teeth, gums, and oral cavity. A healthy oral cavity is free from infections, toothache, cavities, bleeding gums, and halitosis. However, are you sure that your teeth are completely healthy? If not then here at Balaclava Dental Care, we take care of all your 32 teeth. To make your smile better and your oral cavity healthy.


A root canal treatment is advised when the tooth is decayed, fractured, or underwent trauma and the pain is aggregated. RCT is a dental procedure that involves the removal of the soft tissue of the vital tooth, the pulp. As the pain is triggered because the infection reached the pulp. Therefore, we clean, drain, disinfect the teeth, and seal the roots of the given tooth which enables successful restoration and function.

If you have a cavity and no pain, then a dental filling is a quick fix. However, if the patient loses more tooth structure, then tooth restoration is a method used to restore the tooth structure as well as its function. We use tooth-coloured composite material to fill the cavity and restore the lost tooth structure.

Veneers are one of the excellent methods for a healthy dental condition. These Veneers are advised to restore and repair the stained, crooked, or cracked tooth. Veneers are wafer-thin parts of porcelain that offer permanent solutions for a variety of cosmetic and dental concerns. Veneers are a part of a cosmetic procedure.

At Balaclava Dental Care our professional team of dentists in Caulfield will assess you with the best procedure to shine all your thirty-two teeth and boost your confidence to smile brighter.

Crown and bridges are often advised if your tooth is broken or underwent trauma or if you have been treated for root canal treatment. The crown (Cap) protects and restores the vitality of the tooth. And a bridge is advised, if you have a missing tooth and want it to replace with a crown then by taking the support from both adjacent teeth the bridge is formed. Here, at Balaclava Dental Care we use high-rated quality crowns and bridges like ceramic, zirconium, etc. for the best results.

If you are missing a tooth and want it to function like your natural tooth, then a Dental Implant is the best choice. An implant is a synthetic root that is placed surgical into the socket to replace the missing tooth. However, the procedure may take some time depending upon your healing process. Once the healing process is completed the crown is also placed. It restores the tooth and looks like a natural tooth.

3rd molars are the wisdom teeth that often create problems. They are very stubborn even if your arch is small and not enough to accommodate a 3rd molar still, they make their way into the oral cavity and push off the adjacent teeth. This causes pain and swelling in the erupting area. However, rest assured we at Balaclava Dental Care are skilled and experienced in impaction and other surgical cases.

If you think dentures are plastic, uncomfortable, and fake appearing teeth then you should visit Balaclava Dental Care we create the latest and most comfortable dentures for you. Our dental surgeons take note of every aspect of your oral cavity. And modify the best denture for you that are functional and natural-looking.